"So if You're Going to Lie, at Least You Could Just Let us Die."

I now begin my summer blog.

What will change in this new and/or improved summer blog, Katie?
The answer: not much.

What inspires me today...
Hip indie underground bands no one has heard of.

Anyway, there is this band that I just heard of, their new album is about to "drop" in June, so I thought I'd give them some much needed press and blog attention. 

This band is hip.  Apparently they started out in 1992, playing at festivals and were signed right away.  They started in Tulsa, Oklahoma, just three brothers singin' about life, love, and all that in between.  The long hair, the blazers over old tee shirt, their overwhelming success in Australia, everything about them screams devil-may-care.

They're from a family of 9, but 6 of them weren't cool enough to make the band.  The eldest is the sexiest, but in a sneaky all-of-a-sudden-you-grew-up kind of way.  However, the middle child was thought to be the most attractive (as many/most middle children commonly are), and the youngest was just the little cutie who ended up getting married first.

They grew up on 50's and 60's rock n' roll, and lived in only the most underground indie places: Ecuador, Trinidad, and Venezuela.

Their songs generally have a few rhyming words at the end of each line, but mostly are made up of wordless noises, or onomatopoeia.  To focus on their lyrical crafting, they even have other people play their instraments.

Sample lyrics:
"'coz when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days
then a week goes by, you know it takes my breath away
all the minutes in the world could never take your place,
there's 1,440 hours in my day."

(Insert a gasp and "WOW" here!)

"Who is this mystery band?" you are probably now asking, if you didn't get bored by paragraph two.

Well, adoring four readers, although you have never heard of them, google yourself some "Hanson" and get ready to be blown away.


Everything You Never Wanted to Know about Hanson

Their new album is called "Shout It Out"


  1. Did you make that FAQ about Hanson in your computer science class?

  2. I have the lyrics to MmmBop bookmarked on my toolbar. How it happened, I will never know. But I haven't deleted it yet...

  3. Did anyone besides me buy the poptarts that had Hanson's faces on them?

    It sure led to some heated breakfast discussions about sexual identity.



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