If Slugs Ruled the World...

What inspires me today...


"...venturing as we go the unknown ways, Pioneers! O Pioneers!"

Their name may imply laziness or violence, but all I see is diligence and zen-like harmony.  It's tragic to know that he/she will never be able to step back and look at the wonderfully expressive line he/she spent his/her entire life creating on the kitchen rug.  Maybe that's a metaphor, but I don't think we need to relate everything in existence back to our experience.  

It's narcissistic to compare yourself to a slug.  Just let them be more amazing than you for a bit.

(Also. we have all ready "Slugs" by David Greenberg and are well aware of the consequences for mistreating these majestic creatures.)

They even look good in a two-piece.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh...that book! of course! a repressed memory? my psychology training tells me MOST DEFINITELY. i am enjoying this web treasure.



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