You owe me that much...

What inspires me today: 

I am an avid Craigslister.  I have only posted once on the site, and generally go straight for job listings, bicycles, and the occasional apartment search, but recently I have loved sifting through the "Free" and "Barter" sections.  My favorite things I have seen are:
"clean out your garage and get a massage!" 
"Organic eggs and produce for beer liquor or wine" 

and I still don't know how to feel about a free hot tub.

Yes, that is a picture of a picture of a used hot tub.

 My new life goal is to have a skill that will give me enough pull in the Craigslist community to warrant the following statement:

"Here, Katie, take this adorable vintage scooter for free. I owe you that much."

I am also intrigued by the "Strictly Platonic" section.  Just regular people looking for best friends.  Casually.  Some are awesome enough to provide pictures of themselves, just lookin' for new best buds to share a brew and a good 'ol time.  

Actual Posting: "Mellow educated stable white man seeking female friend to enjoy what town has to offer. Meet and pursue a friendship?"

Needless to say, I hit them up and shared a glorious seafood dinner on the pier. Definitely not a set up to be murdered in a secluded cabin in the woods.

Smash Your Head

What inspires me today...

Finally I have found a genre of music that doesn't limit me to contradict myself, or sound like a music schizophrenic.  Have you ever felt yourself torn at the thought of having to choose between Tears for Fears, The White Stripes, Wheatus, and Dre to fill the three point five minutes you have waiting for the bus?  Well, thanks to modern technology and some guys with keen musical ear but no talent for instruments, the mash-up has arrived. 

Super Mash Bro's
Norwegian Recycling

Some might think, hey wait, I have no musical talent, but I do have a lot of free time, a wide and diverse selection of music on my iTunes, as well as garage band pre-installed on my MacBook Pro... Can I become a mashup god?


These people have actually mastered seamlessly overlaying tracks with vocals, and let me tell you, I believe mixing Missy Elliot feat. Ludacris with Daft Punk to create something magical.  They also perform, and though all their music is free online, seeing them get all sweaty in their awkward hoodies to perform their masterpieces live is not. 

Ethics: Should they have to pay for the 20 seconds of sampled music, even if they don't charge for their CD's?  Is offering these artists' music online for free plagiarism?  Is this challenging the limits of public vs. private property and appropriation lines?  What is "original"?  If they were in music class, would they get and A for being badass, or a 0 for cheating?  Have you heard Kelly Clarkson's "Already Gone" next to Beyonce's "Halo"?

Moral: Is it worth it to live in a world where our children will believe that nirvana and n*sync can cooperate in perfect harmony?  That, my friends, is a world I want to live in.

Also, if you are further interested in the art/controversy that is mash-up, and you have 86 minutes to spare (which you probably do, since you're reading my blog...) watch RiP: A Remix Manifesto.

Home is when I'm alone with you.

What inspires me today...

Holey Moley, that's cute.

I think I would live in a tiny hat if I were a hermit crab. 

Little known facts: 
Hermit crabs will eat meatballs and grapes. 
They croak, and why is a scientific mystery.
They love to climb.
They are nocturnal. 

So stop underestimating them.

It's a strange feeling, not knowing exactly when you will be home again.  Luckily I know right where I left it.

But the Lows Are So Extreme...

What inspires me today...

Yes, exaggerating can be useful in making a point and can also yield mildly humorous results.  For example, "obsessed" is a great word that is too intense for most situations, so can be great when placed well and used inappropriately.  This leads me (and a few others) to wonder... Besides my vocabulary, that has the power to make people laugh/think I'm a pervert, what else lives in extremes?

And then a list was made:

1. Tuna fish.
 Mmmm, slap some mayo on that and make me a sandwich!

Tuna can be extreme in two different senses, hence why it is living a-top the list.  Some days you want it, and on those days there is nothing that can satisfy the craving for the fish most of us would not be able to identify if we saw alive.  Other days, the sight/smell makes you want to die.  EXTREME.  Also, tuna either comes in a can, floating in yellow water, or seared lightly in steak form for $34.99.

And apparently in jerky form as well... I don't know where that lies on the spectrum, but it counts.

2. Sweatpants.
 They look happy, don't they.

In my opinion, sweatpants should only exist in extremes.  Either you're in the tapered-at-the-ankle, figure-distorting, mistaken-for-rags with the decal mostly worn off, or Lululemon.  You don't wear those in-between weird sweatpants that might be shiny, or almostnotquite fitted.  We all know those are from the Gap, and for some reason it just doesn't work.  You're either going to workout/sit on the couch for 8 hours in them, or trying look "sporty" and devil-may-care when out with your friends, when really you do care.  A lot.

You're confusing everyone with those shiny red track pants you got in high school from your basketball team that still look brand new and make you walk funny.

3. Ugg Boots

Apparently, these are either worn in the cold with warm clothes/as slippers, or with a mini skirt/shorts.  Yes, they are comfortable, but I never really see them worn on a brisk fall day with jeans.  Dead of winter or heat of summer, that's when these sheep-lined beauties make their appearance.

And then there are the men who where them.  It's questionable, yes, but it says to the world; "Hey world, I'm wearing Uggs." and I can get behind that.

Yes please.

4. Jokes Lizzy tells. 

Exhibit A: "Minority Disney characters are very obviously underrepresented at Disneyland.  They're renovating 'It's A Small World'... maybe it'll become 'The New World.'"
*Laughter ensues at the hilarity of that statement*

Exhibit B: "Hey guys, want to see something funny?" *Pretends to hit face with door when really the banging noise came from her strategically placed foot.*


There are more things, umbrellas for example, but I'm going to go make a tuna sandwich.  And I can't think of anything to say about umbrellas.

All God's Children Got Shoes.

What inspires me today...
Super glue.

This always happens to my shoes:

my actual $4 shoe.

The destruction pictured above, or some variation of this, is how many of my shoes meet their tragic end (after a few more accidental days of wear).  Most of my shoes are vintage, or purchased for under $10, so one year of use generally ends in the same way: sole separating from body (very metaphysical).

My solution to this common and widespread problem?
Super glue.

80% of my shoes have been super glued at one point in time, adding 1 day to 1 year to their lifespan.  Guaranteed.  It practically pays for itself.  The trick with gluing shoes is timing.  Waiting long enough for the glue to get tacky, without letting it dry.  Trust me, with ample practice, you will get a hang of it. 

splurge and get the $2.99 "goof proof" grip.  I sure did.

"We are all superglue in the shoe of God." -Mother Teresa 

Some have said to me, "Hey, Katie, why don't you just buy better shoes, or ones that don't have a bottom that is going to fall apart and fill with holes when you walk on anything besides chinchilla fur because it is literally made of cloth and cardboard?"

To them I say: I generally just like shoes with poorly made soles, but can't afford Toms.

I know you are wondering, and the answer is yes; unfortunately, my Rite-Aid funstep slip-ons [pictured above] are beyond even the help of the amazing power of super glue, and will not live to walk another day.

Happy gluing everyone!

Life Lessons Learned from Lisa Frank.

What inspires me today…
They still sell Lisa Frank school supplies.

For a kid who found that particular straight-out-of-the-tube-rainbow color scheme nauseating and over-stimulating, my thoughts on Lisa Frank come more out of confusion/bizarre respect than anything else. Walk down the school supply aisle of any Wal-mart or grocery store, and these overly bright scenes of purple/pink/green penguins and kittens embracing will still be there, burning corneas since 1979.

Here are the 5 lessons that I have learned from Lisa Frank:

1. Mythical Creature Facts
Unicorns can fly!
They can’t. 

2. The truth about Cats and Dogs...
They love each other!
Yeah, kids, put your two golden retriever puppies in a rainbow hot air balloon with a newborn kitten.  That situation definitely won’t end in tears.

But on the off chance it does, at least your cat will end up like this…

3. Bear Safety. 
 I bet you fed him too.

This is excusable because most people are probably unaware of basic polar bear facts, and might have never seen one in person, unless you have been to any zoo ever.  I’m here to shed some light on this ignorance. Polar bears are one of the largest bears, with the males weighing in at over 1,000 pounds.  Some useful suggestions for traveling in bear country include: “…a firearm is needed at all times in polar bear country…” “…it is required that visitors to polar bear territory stay in groups…” “…sharp claws allow polar bears to easily kill their prey and then rip it apart into small chunks to eat.” “…definitely pose a threat to humans who are alone and unaware.”

But she's just hugging a cute little cub...So nevermind.

5. Science
Rainbows are solid enough to walk on. 

This will not only result in disappointment, but also potential danger for children.

Naming all of the disappointing parts of this poster will take a while, but I will try.  Orcas eat seals, the polar ice caps are melting due to global warming and that bear is dead when it does, unicorns don’t exist, pandas can’t stand upright and paint, rainbows aren’t made of paint, you can’t dance on paint or rainbows, rabbits don’t dance, cats hate to be dressed up, all four dogs I’ve had hate the beach, babies usually look like their parent, all of these animals would never be able to survive in this bizarre climate, and the cheetah would eat any and all of those rainbow dancers.
NOTE: Lisa put her name on this twice.

5. Aaaand then there are these...

If this isn’t the 7th sign of Apocalypse, I don’t know what is.

 Moral of the story: Everyone can be tricked if you use bright enough colors.

Being Strangers to Change.

What inspires me today...

Mary Ann by Iron & Wine

This album will be full of puppies and rainbows. 
Apparently this song took Sam Beam 12 years to write, so gauging the time-line for a release will be a bit tricky.

Who says that the word "potty" doesn't belong in a song!  Marry me?

Dear Sam Beam,

First of all, you are wildly attractive, and deeply sexual.  That is not my attempt to butter you up before making a request.  I realize that might have been received better in a post script, but I though that I should be honest and forthright.  Plus, post scripts are fritterous (isn't (but should be) a word).  Secondly, I would appreciate a new album.  Around the Well was good, don't get me wrong, but not my favorite.  Probably not even in the top three (although Trapeze Swinger is my favorite song, and I'm glad you finally shoved it onto an album).  Of the new songs I have heard, I'm sensing something great a-brewin' under that magnificent full beard of yours.  Please don't let me down, because I will buy and listen to anything (and I do mean anything) you put out there and call "music" at this point.

Until then, I will continue to watch this video on repeat via Youtube.


Ps. Thank you for reading my blog.  You're alright I guess.

If Slugs Ruled the World...

What inspires me today...


"...venturing as we go the unknown ways, Pioneers! O Pioneers!"

Their name may imply laziness or violence, but all I see is diligence and zen-like harmony.  It's tragic to know that he/she will never be able to step back and look at the wonderfully expressive line he/she spent his/her entire life creating on the kitchen rug.  Maybe that's a metaphor, but I don't think we need to relate everything in existence back to our experience.  

It's narcissistic to compare yourself to a slug.  Just let them be more amazing than you for a bit.

(Also. we have all ready "Slugs" by David Greenberg and are well aware of the consequences for mistreating these majestic creatures.)

They even look good in a two-piece.

Skate Better: a history in brief of the DCOM

What inspires me today...
Looking back at my childhood, my current brand of hybrid feminism and independence doesn't match very well with my former movie tastes.  For as much as I loved animals, The Lion King was not my favorite movie.  I considered Fox and the Hound good-not-great.  Julie Andrews was a curse word around our hosuehold.  Our family was fully invested in the Disney Princess VHS Special Vaulted shiny puffy-cased cinema.

Yes, the messages to little girls aren't the best.  Granted.  Their voices were very high, and Snow White's ballads are almost insufferable.  Clearly.  But creepy Prince and no clear personal goals aside, something was magical about those dresses that they put on/magically appeared/traded fins for/were a gift from a giant he-wolf/got from animals your parents always told you you'd get rabies from if you touched.

(Normal every-day situation.)

When I think of Disney Movies, I think of the amazing cartoons that I loved so much as a child.  However, as I grew and began looking forward to the new millennium, a whole genre of movies began to emerge.  Out of the late 90's, the Disney regime came out with a series of pieces that have thus far been pretty much overlooked in the broad scheme of "things that matter" or "things worth remembering."

But, Erik Von Detten, I will not forget your made-for-tv screen debut.  That's right folks, I'm talking about the DISNEY CHANNEL ORIGINAL MOVIES.

Finally, real situations that affect my everyday life are addressed, such as switching bodies with my sister, having to choose between my preppy skiing schoolmates, and the cool snowboarders at the public school on the other side of the mountain, and my house trying to destroy me.

My favorites in chronological order: 

Wish Upon A Star
Did anyone tell them that Freaky Friday had already been made?

Too many things to say about this magnificent cinematic wonder.  Pup 'n Suds for life.
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century 
Smart House
I'll admit that this morning standing in our community camp-like bathroom, I wished for wet/dry vac flooring.
Johnny Tsunami
 Why are the bad guys always named "Brett"?
Don't Look Under the Bed
A realistic and logical girl named Francis living in Middleberg.  What could possibly go wrong?

Alley Cats Strike
Tell me you did not try that "crazy" bowling at least once.
The Color of Friendship
Addressing important issues of race and apartheid through friendship of two adolescent girls.  I only remember the fun shopping montage.
Zenon: The Zequal
Protazoa is so dreamy.  Frosted bleach tipped hair...of the future!

Zenon: Z3
No one saw this movie.

2005: Twitches
Teen witches.  Get it?

A clear rise, peak, and fall can be tracked in this simple time-line.

 High School Musical came out in 2006 and shifted the entire genre towards a younger, hipper generation of children, whose shortened attention spans can't track the character development and complexities portrayed by the Mowry family.  Yes, the DCOM was short lived, but I owe a big part of who I am to a bunch of kids in bowling club.  And for that, I am grateful.

But lets be real, it was inevitable.  In-line skating just doesn't have the same effect and raw power when viewed on an iPad. 

Zach Effron who?

No Furniture So Charming as Books.

What inspires me today...

The library.

AN EPIPHANY THAT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE: In the library, no one cares that you're antisocial.

People are even grateful that you don't say a word.  If they weren't in a library, they would applaud the silence.  But I guess that would remove their reason for clapping, while simultaneously disrupting the silence... So, instead, I choose to soak in the immense quiet cheers from my surrounding readers.  Hey, you, in the corner, I know that cough was for me, and it means a lot.

Yes, it may seem pathetic to find so much pleasure and joy in isolation, but for an introvert who constantly toes the line of extroversion, mecca couldn't be closer than those musty old shelves and tiny study desks.

I have 4 different library cards from 4 different cities.

And if you refuse to take my word for it...
Jorges Luis Borges, who Wikipedia tells me is an Argentinian writer, essayist, and poet, shares my sentiments exactly.  And I quote:
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library."
If he isn't the ultimate authority on everything, I don't know who is.

Also, there are books in libraries.  

 Meaningful excerpts from the last few novels I have read:
"Peace is a time when people can tell each other their real names."
"We used to fight over the little windup box because i liked to listen to the news and the current affairs.  But now that I was hiding in the jungle behind the beach I wished I had never fought with my sister, Nkiruka loved music and now I saw that she was right because life is extremely short and you cannot dance to current affairs."
-Chris Cleave (Little Bee)

"He was still too young to know that the heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past."
"Let me stay here.  There was soap."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Love in the Time of Cholera)

"If someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." 
-Oprah (She has a book club... so...)

Unusual Outlooking

What inspires me today...

Eric Testroete's Halloween costume.
More video game-inspired fear.

The mind of Al Magnus.
Being Al Magnusovitch.

Lise Sarfati photography.
Those people that you probably don't talk to.

Anyone can post pictures of the rooms they have decorated in a way that gives them pride.
Do I have 100 pictures of stranger's bedrooms saved on my desktop?  Yes, yes I do.
Home Sweet Home Style, a blog I can't get enough of.

Hank Schmidt in der Beek's In den Zillertaler Alpen Series.
Oh you.

 Pete Yahnke Lino Cuts 
Who is this guy?


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