What inspires me today...
Yes, exaggerating can be useful in making a point and can also yield mildly humorous results. For example, "obsessed" is a great word that is too intense for most situations, so can be great when placed well and used inappropriately. This leads me (and a few others) to wonder... Besides my vocabulary, that has the power to make people laugh/think I'm a pervert, what else lives in extremes?
And then a list was made:
1. Tuna fish.
Mmmm, slap some mayo on that and make me a sandwich!
Tuna can be extreme in two different senses, hence why it is living a-top the list. Some days you want it, and on those days there is nothing that can satisfy the craving for the fish most of us would not be able to identify if we saw alive. Other days, the sight/smell makes you want to die. EXTREME. Also, tuna either comes in a can, floating in yellow water, or seared lightly in steak form for $34.99.
And apparently in jerky form as well... I don't know where that lies on the spectrum, but it counts.
2. Sweatpants.
They look happy, don't they.
In my opinion, sweatpants
should only exist in extremes. Either you're in the tapered-at-the-ankle, figure-distorting, mistaken-for-rags with the decal mostly worn off, or Lululemon. You don't wear those in-between weird sweatpants that might be shiny, or almostnotquite fitted. We all know those are from the Gap, and for some reason it just doesn't work. You're either going to workout/sit on the couch for 8 hours in them, or trying look "sporty" and devil-may-care when out with your friends, when really you do care. A lot.
You're confusing everyone with those shiny red track pants you got in high school from your basketball team that still look brand new and make you walk funny.
3. Ugg Boots
Apparently, these are either worn in the cold with warm clothes/as slippers, or with a mini skirt/shorts. Yes, they are comfortable, but I never really see them worn on a brisk fall day with jeans. Dead of winter or heat of summer, that's when these sheep-lined beauties make their appearance.
And then there are the men who where them. It's questionable, yes, but it says to the world; "Hey world, I'm wearing Uggs." and I can get behind that.
Yes please.
4. Jokes Lizzy tells.
Exhibit A: "Minority Disney characters are very obviously underrepresented at Disneyland. They're renovating 'It's A Small World'... maybe it'll become 'The New World.'"
*Laughter ensues at the hilarity of that statement*
Exhibit B: "Hey guys, want to see something funny?" *Pretends to hit face with door when really the banging noise came from her strategically placed foot.*
There are more things, umbrellas for example, but I'm going to go make a tuna sandwich. And I can't think of anything to say about umbrellas.