What inspires me today...
Online Community.
I started my second summer school class this past week: an online Art History course. Already I have learned a few things that I think would benefit all three of my faithful readers:
- People generally sound smarter when they have the time to articulate their thoughts in writing. (For the exception see #2)
- People should be very careful when wielding the power that is emoticons. They can help the reader detect sarcasm in an otherwise harsh sounding comment, ease the pain of the suffering, and make any intelligent or slightly uninformed comment sound downright idiotic.
- If you are are not catching on as fast as some of the other students in your Spanish 101 class (coughguy who sits in front and already knows how to ask every question he has in Spanishcough) take an online class in something you know a decent amount about. It will do wonders for your esteem.
- Tests are 90% stress-free when taken in bed.
"Thanks! Your post was nice :) That's very true I hadn't really thought about that the two morners in the foreground DON"T have halos and instead they have hoods on... kinda weird... Well, I guess they all have hoods, but it just looks kind of weird like they would turn around really fast and be something scary! Hahaha!Yeah, i dont know y they are there... -Tiffany :)"
should not count for discussion credit in an academic upper division art history course.)
Ah, the simple joys of Community College. Now if only I could remember all the months in Spanish...