
What inspires me today...
brown paper packages tied up with string

In light of the just passed holiday on November the 25th, I would like to wish everyone the happiest of Ben Stein's birthday.

Things I am thankful for:

Not having strep throat anymore
Self-explanatory.  Thanks Penicillin.

Four times a day, every day.

The thing about holidays is, they're really family time.  Even if your community is like family in many ways, they all end up going to be with their own respective families.  They are also not your family.  Though this recent Thanksgiving weekend, by normal weekend standards, stands as a pretty good one, it made for a tad depressing Thanksgiving.

My eldest sister bought me a Kindle for my birthday.  At first I thought, "what?" next I pondered, "why?" then finally realized, "yes."  Upon discussing the complex thought process behind purchasing a kindle, it made sense because if I were to be any electronic item, it would be a Kindle.  This decision was reached because a Kindle is not touch-screen and full of "Apps" like an iPhone or iPad, it's a little off and awkward as far as electronics go, and all you can do with it is read books.
And though I haven't gotten past the set-up screen, the fact that I've charged it already is a big step.

just like paper!

Though stressful returning to school after a brief period of semi-isolation, time apart makes me realize that I really do like people.

Kid Cudi
I like the song "Pursuit of Happiness" and all that it has brought into my life.

Well... He makes nice music at least.

It's interesting how honest you can be with someone you're likely never to see again.  With the exception of airplanes, I never seem to sit next to the interesting bio-engineer who has figured out the secret behind cryogenics.  Rather, it's always the disgruntled business man or criminally insane guy rocking back and forth while singing who I get stuck by.

Iron & Wine
His new EP "Walking Far From Home" has thus far changed my life and the way I listen to music.

What are you thankful for?

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