I supposed I ought to start a blog. This isn't entirely true, Lizzy supposed I ought to start a blog, mostly because it was 1 in the morning when we were talking on the phone, and I think she was sick of listening to my stories and rants.
Regardless, this is happening, so I will start off with the end of 2008, and the very beginnings of 2009.
Christmas time has ended, and new years has come and gone. This is marked by the only thing remaining of the winter angelic scene set up under a glass cake cover in our bathroom being a mysterious circle of white glitter. The holidays were truly great this year. Snowed in for the first week, I fully embraced this forced state of hermitdom with a pair of stretch pants and overgrown tee shirts. The snow cleared just enough for both of my sisters to make their flights in from their distant locations, so instead of being able to get some much needed reading and art done, I honed my Mario Cart skills (if you can call them that) with Erika on her Wii. I guess you can count a half hour making everyone we know as a Me character creatively stimulating.
New years eve was a grand olde time. Veronica and Isaac's house was filled with people and the music of a DJ who set up in the basement that quickly turned into and remained a dance floor for the whole night. I got to see the new year in with some of my oldest and newest friends, and that is the way to do it, in my opinion. And, as I have learned from The OC (which I also became hopelessly addicted to in the flurries of snowfall) how you spend new year is how you will spend the rest of the year.
Since then I've had to play catch up with friends, making up for the time lost to the weather. Sarah came back from her adventures in the East, baring gifts such as a shirt from the genocide museum, which has taken place of the 2003 basketball camp shirt I had donned the past two weeks, and a Kim Jong-il alarm clock that will make an appearance on my desk in a few short days.
I bought a skirt and some more saltwater sandals at the red white and blue thrift store yesterday, so I'm optimistic so far about 2009.
Here are my resolutions:
1. Journal more (preferably every day, but seeing as this is the first thing I've written in the new year that even resembles a journal, I'm setting realistic goals.)
2. Spend less money (also seeing as I bought a skirt and saltwater sandals yesterday, which are nice, but hardly necessities, we'll also see about this one.)
3. Actually apply for the things I need to.
4. Figure out all the secrets of Lost
5. Stop biting my nails (this doesn't mean permanently. But at least give the little ones a chance.)
6. Be more honest. (I don't know how I will gauge this one, but I guess that's why it's a good one. No scale can tell me I've gained more dishonesty!)
And those are my resolutions, they're a little cheaty, we'll see if I keep them. Oh yes, we will see.